Pakistan study MCQS start from 1947
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Q.39: When was the Muhammad Ali Bogra presented the third draft constitution in assembly?
A 7th October 1953
B 8th October 1953
C 9th October 1953
D 10th October 1953
Q.40: The greatest achievement of Muhammad Ali’s cabinet was the establishment of west Pakistan Act that amalgamated the provinces into one Mention the date?
A 28thSeptember 1955
B 29th September 1955
C 30th September 1955
D 31st September 1955
Q.41: When Governor-General convened the 2nd constituent assembly?
A May 1955
B April 1955
C July 1955
D June 1955
Q.42: The 2nd constituent Assembly was consisted of?
A 65 members
B 80 members
C 70 members
D 50 members
Q.43: Under the constitution of 1956, how many seats were reserved for women in east Pakistan?
A 10
B 8
C 5
D 4
Q.44: Under the constitution of 1956, how many seats were reserved for women in west Pakistan?
A 10
B 8
C 5
D 4
Q.45: Who was entitled to appoint the chief minister of provincial assembly according to constitution of 1956?
A President
B Prime minister
C Governor
D Chairman of Senate
Q.46: How many seats were allocated for a provincial assembly in the constitution of 1956?
A 70
B 75
C 80
D 85
Q.47: the first constituent assembly originally consisted of?
A 59 members
B 69 members
C 78 members
D 89 members
Q.48: How many members of first constitution assembly from east Bengal?
A 43 members
B 44 members
C 45 members
D 46 members
Q.49: umbers of the members of first constituent Assembly was increased from 69 to?
A 59 members
B 69 members
C 79 members
D 89 members
Q.50: How many members of first constitution assembly from west Pakistan?
A 35 members
B 37 members
C 34 members
D 36 members
Q.51: When second constituent assembly adopted first constitution of Pakistan 1956?
A 19 February 1956
B 24 February 1956
C 26 February 1956
D 29 February 1956
Q.52: On which date, President Iskandar Mirza staged a coup d’état?
A 4th October 1958
B 5th October 1958
C 6th October 1958
D 7th October 1958
Q.53: who abrogated the 1956 constitution?
A Aziz Ahmed
B Iskandar Mirza
C Mohammad Ayub Khan
D None of these
Q.54: Who imposed Martial Law in 1958?
A Aziz Ahmad
B Iskandar mirza
C Mohammad Ayub Khan
D one of these
Q.55: Who appointed General Mohammad Ayub Khan as chief Martial Law Administrator?
A Iskandar Mirza
B Aziz Ahmad
C Yahya Khan
D None of these
Q.56: who was appointed as Secretary General and deputy Chief Martial Law Administrator?
A Aziz Ahmad
B Iskandar Mirza
C Mohammad Ayub khan
D None of these
Q.57: General Mohammad Ayub Khan appointed as the Prime Minster of Pakistan on?
A 21 October 1958
B 24 October 1958
C 25 October 1958
D 27 October 1958
Q.58: Iskandar Mira deposed on?
A 23 October 1958
B 24 October 1958
C 25 October 1958
D 27 October 1958
Q.59: What age was specified for the head of state – president – in the constitution of 1962?
A 40 years
B 35 years
C 30 years
D 33 years
Q.60: How was the president to be elected according to the constitution of 1962?
A By elections
B By National assembly
C BY of senate members
D None of these
Q.61: How many members were there in the national assembly according to the constitution of 1962?
A 150
B 156
C 155
D 154
Q.62: How many seats were reserved for the women in National assembly according to the constitution of 1962?
A 10
B 8
C 6
D 5
Q.63: How many seats were reserved for intellectuals, nominated by the Government, in the National Assembly in constitution of 1956?
A 10
B 8
C 6
D 5
Q.64: Under the constitution of 1962 how many seats were reserved for the women in National assembly?
A 10
B 8
C 6
D 5
Q.65: who became the Martial Law administrator of Pakistan after Ayub Khan?
A General Yahya Khan
B General Tikka Khan
C General Ahsan
D General Rehan
Q.66: Who promulgated the “Legal Framework Order, 1970”?
A Agha Muhamad Yahya Khan
B Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
C Tikka Khan
D None of these
Q.67: During the Bhutto era when was the Martial Law was lifted from the country?
A 13 April 1972
B 14 April 1972
C 15 April 1971
D 16 April 1972
Q.68: When the National Assembly appointed a committee for preparing draft constitution during the reign of Mr. Bhutto?
A 17 April 1972
B 18 April 1972
C 19 April 1972
D 20 April 1972
Q.69: Who was appointed the Head of the constituent assembly during Mr. Bhutto era?
A Mairaj Khan
B Abdul Hafeez Pirzada
C Moeen Qureshi
D S M Zafar
Q.70: During Bhutto rule when the constituent committee presented the draft constitution before national assembly?
A 1st February 1972
B 2nd February 1973
C 3rd February 1972
D 4th February 1973
Q.71: When the 1973 constitution was enforced?
A 15 August 1973
B 14 August 1973
C 13 August 1973
D 12 August 1973
Q.72: Which kind of system of government was introduced in the 1973 constitution?
A Presidential
B Parliamentary
C Basic Democracy
D Confederate
Q.73: Who is the titular head of the country according to 1973 constitution?
A Prime Minister
B President
C Chairman of senate
D None of these
Q.74: According to 1973 constitution the President must be Muslim, who elect him?
A Senate National Assembly
B Senate
C Senate & National Assembly
D None of these
Q.75: Mention the term for the President prescribed in the constitution of 1973?
A 8 years
B 6 years
C 5 years
D 4 years
Q.76: Which of the following restriction was imposed on the president in 1973 constitution?
A President should of 55 years
B President cannot be elected for more than two terms
C President should of 65 years
D President cannot be elected more than three terms
Q.77: Who elects the Prime Minster according to constitution of1973?
A National assembly
B Senate
C President
D None of these
Q.78: The Prime and his cabinet is responsible to?
A President
B Senate
C National Assembly
D None of these
Q.79: Whose office is excluded from the parliament?
A President
B Prime Minister
C Chairman of Senate
D Speaker NA
Q.80: In parliamentary system of Government who is the focus of executive authority?
A President
B Prime Minister
C National assembly
D Senate
Q.81: According to which Article of 1973 constitution, the Federal Government is composed of the Prime Minister and his cabinet?
A Article 90
B Article 85
C Article 80
D Article 75
Q.82: After how many days of General elections, prime minister is elected, according to the constitution of 1973?
A 40 days
B 35 days
C 30 days
D 25 days
Q.83: in which constitution of Pakistan the bicameral legislature was provided for the first time?
A 1956
B 1962
C 1947
D 1973